Ask any Normalite throughout the world, and he or she will tell you: Bulldog Pride is generational. Here’s the Committee’s take on the “Ten Things to Do While a Student to Show Your Bulldog Pride!”
1) Love who you are: A Proud AAMU Bulldog.
Do not try to imitate others! Be a proud AAMU Bulldog! Wear your AAMU shirts with pride, especially to games and campus functions.
2) Speak positively about your university!
Guard your speech at all times.
3) Know your history!
Keep a few positive tidbits about your university in your mind so that when others say something negative, you can respond with something
4) Remember, Our Motto is:
SERVICE IS SOVEREIGNTY! Do something positive to promote your university. Write a positive article. Volunteer to help a struggling student. Participate in clean-up days, fundraising events, cheer on your sport teams, whether they are winning or losing!
5) Use the proper channels of communication to express your concerns!
If you are not sure, ask someone. You have the right to speak on issues. Just remember to protect
your university from outsiders who do not have your best interest at heart!
6) Make sure the place where you live is kept clean and in order!
Follow the policies that are in place in the dormitories, as well as areas throughout the campus! Do not break
the rules. They are in place for your health and safety.
7) Dress appropriately for class and in all public areas.
There are always visitors on campus! What impressions will they have when they leave our campus? Remember, this
is a college campus. Please dress like a college professional.
8 )Respect yourself, respect others and respect the legacy of AAMU and its founder, Dr. William Hooper Councill.
9) “Ask not what AAMU can do for you, but what can you do for AAMU,” as paraphrased from President John F. Kennedy. The most important thing that you can do is to be a well-rounded AAMU student who will become a proud Normalite!
10) Get your degree!
This is the last on the list, but it is the most important reason you are here! Enjoy college life, but make wholesome choices!